Monday, February 12, 2007

a crisis of trust ...

people manipulate or distort facts
people withhold information
getting the credit is very important
people spin the truth
new ideas are resisted
mistakes are covered up
most people are involved in the blame game
bad mouthing others is common
there are meetings after meetings
there are many undiscussables
people tend to overpromise & under deliver
people pretend bad things are not happening
the energy level is low
( Description of a low trust organization ... Stephen Covey )

How do you restore trust in an organization ? Just like in any relationship , once trust is broken, can it be restored or is it lost forever ?

" organizations are no longer built on force, but on trust "... Peter Drucker


Anonymous said...

We talk a lot about Trust, Trust by definition is confidence, absence of suspicion, confirmed track record and eliminate fear. What makes an organization leads its employees to distrust? Its policy and system, action by the management……”Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin” and no clear communication. How do you want to restore trust in an organization? It is just like husband and wife, when a wife do not trust her husband anymore and you try to regain the trust back from her. The husband will have to :
1) Communicate with his wife more with intention.
2) Understand his blind spots plus his wife blind spots and improve on it.
3) Deliver what he promises.

An environment rich in TRUST creates an engine for innovation.

The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action…….Frank Herbert


Anonymous said...

Where management has little credibility, we cant restore. We can only reduce distrust till a point where people belive it is okay to start trusting.

To reduce distrust, just get the leaders to walk the talk. Distrust comes about when what you say is not what you do. Dsitrust is not a problem at the bottom of the organiation. It is a problem that plauges the top.

People don't really care about what you say but people really notice what you do.

So leaders - are you prepared to walk the talk?

Anonymous said...

2day we got very important visit as usual aok still the main ACTOR,
are they fail or u are too good ? Im feel not comfortable with what I saw. CEO do all the arrangment by it self and the comittee was left idol.
Some people say we lay out temporary let the ceo make the final touch up.I think this is not right.

AnakinSkywalker said...

Perhaps the CEO doesn't have the luxury of a 'RELIABLE' team when it comes to perfection and impression that last...

"Need to discard the old Darth Vader and take in the young Luke Skywalker?"

Anonymous said...

A perfectionist, aok is. Needs to late go and learn to trust his appointed forces, he must. Decision making time is over, problem solving just begins. COO may be quiet but a jedi grand master and a man of substance he is. Delivering results, he will…

Darth Vader…..there is still good in you! Anakin….are you also cute in real life?

Ja ja binks
p.s Alsaid awat post komen @M***S***** blog? Tak rocklah.

Anonymous said...

Ja ja binks…….thank you for your P.S. note, freedom of opinion can be on any blogs, what’s rock with you, may not rock with me……by the way, thanks for the concern.

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so." -- Douglas Adams