Wednesday, February 7, 2007

simple mathematics

smart boss + smart employee = PROFIT
smart boss + dumb employee = PRODUCTION
dumb boss + smart employee = PROMOTION
dumb boss + dumb employee = OVERTIME

smart man + smart woman = ROMANCE
smart man + dumb woman = AFFAIR
dumb man + smart woman = MARRIAGE
dumb man + dumb woman = PREGNANCY


Anonymous said...

..cost on OVERTIME RM6.7m ( 2006 ).......some boss are really smart while ...while some....

Anonymous said...

you wrong, its not about the overtime its about why we need overtime. 1994-1999 to get work on overtime you must be damm good on your work.NOW we have to utilise on what ever workforce we have.All the best people we have is gone.Why? they dont belive with you that only want to play with the number.You what people call us now A.....aviation training centre. U spend all the money to train this good people but wht are you get.Please cx the record how much money that management already spend and how many are left for better offer.That why some boss having though time on this.They have to go along with the semi skill people....some bosses the good with the control on overtime because they have no input and smart to play with the number.

.....................i'll take more on this 2mlow.

1 question how to win WAR without good forces and good weapon....

Anonymous said...

unexperienced worker ---- overtime
losing experience worker--overtime
demoralised worker--------overtime
poor logistic-------------overtime
poor planned--------------overtime

but how to planned ??/?

Anonymous said...

It has been more than 10 years since the company revised the salary structure.We are nowhere if we want to compete with other aviation company.Somebody told me that,SEKARANG SEMUA NAIK,HARGA MINYAK NAIK,HARGA BARANG NAIK,TOL NAIK,BLOOD PRESSURE NAIK etc,etc.Yang tak naik, GAJI.Yang turun,CUMA HUJAN.People are leaving the company for reason(as above)like there's no tomorrow.For those who are 55 years and above,you guys better make sure you have a big cable as big as the cable running across South China Sea from BAKUN DAM TO SEMENANJUNG MALAYSIA to stay in the company.It's hard for us to see the SENIOR CITIZEN to leave but until when do we have to keep this WARGA EMAS.We need fresh and new ideas for us to move forward and not relying the same old tactics,the same old ways to get aircraft inputs.We must get the right people sitting at the right post.We must get LEADERS to steer this great company to the unachieveable.WE CAN DO IT.
A good leader creates other leaders.


Anonymous said...

I like to add to what Wild Thing commented, HAYS, the leading HR consultancy group further defines that employees leave their jobs mainly because of their "immediate" boss.

Based on MEF survey in 2005, the industry average employee turnover rates in Malaysia is 0.63% - 2.71% for non-executives. The company turnover rates for non-executives are 0.54%, 0.71% and 0.42% for 2006, 2005 & 2004 respectively.

However I am in agreement that it’s not all and only about the statistic and numbers.

I am of the opinion that to attract, retain & sustain the key personnel with the necessary skills, knowledge & competencies to meet the business needs still remains a priority for the company. A lot more needs to be done to ensure succession and the best people stay with the organization. ( as a consolation however, just like Shell or the big multinationals, its nice to know that we produce some of the best people currently in the industry ).

On the subject of those hitting retirement age, the criteria offering contract employment is still very much based on the business need of the company and the price the company is willing to pay for the services. Those that are extended on "compassionate" grounds or “other consideration " are an exception rather than a rule (or a practice) and represents a very small minority. For reasons best known to everyone I guess, they do however seem to attract the most attention and controversy. But here I guess, I stand on the principal that the employer has the right to hire any employee that would add value or contribute to the company’s business in one way or the other ( although in some cases the reason might not be apparent to everyone ).

Oh yes! … as a final comment I do agree with Wild Thing, a good leader creates other leaders


Anonymous said...

"its nice to know that we produce some of the best people currently in the industry" ??
but are we achived anything ? Those day I personally have a group of competence,energetic and commited people to support the program but now its all history.All this good people left.
The impact is we have to extend people unnecessarly.

Anonymous said...

" as a consolation ..."

p.s. I use to manage the best engine overhaul shop with the best technicians in Malaysia too ...


Anonymous said...

In order to start something new, somethings have to end. We have to respect the memory of the past but we also have to move on forward. An ending marks a new beginning.


Anonymous said...

"Barang siapa yang hari ini sama dengan hari kelmarin maka ia dalam kerugian..." -Al Hadis-

Anonymous said...

Thanks aok you hit me badly.

Anonymous said...

Just received a SAD call from one of the off base company.2 technical guys gonna leave in the near future because of the their USELESS and IRRESPONSSIBLE manager.Thru out in the HQ,everybody know that the manager is not a performer but what to do when he is politically link to the BIGGEST BOSS.I personally know this 2 guys and they are damn good workers but what to do,it seem like nobody can say anything or solve this problem(DAMN).Sad to see them leaving the company.I pray that the CEO can do something about it.Insyaallah


Anonymous said...

Wild Thing.....U make my heart sing!!!!

Anonymous said...

..I'm sad also.. because yesterday my boss came to us and express himself the problem that was tai chi to him by his boss....

some of His Boss instruction are :-
1. He has to gather all the info on aircraft publication status,costs & updates.
2. He has to come out with a maintenance package for the program

My personal opinion :-
1. The caretaker for publication is Q.A dept,why my boss must solely hold responsible for the task? It's not wrong for him to help but why must he lead this task? Why don't the people in Q.A that handles publication leads the way because this is their job and remember the word "AMANAH",doesn't it rings any bell?or is it because the aircraft is commercial and all those guys are only comfortable to work with military/government customers.

2. To make a maintenance package, they are various dept involved like the marketing (to liase with customer for any infos,outstanding ad's,sb's etc...),Q.A for auditing purposes,Planning Dept,Logistics and so on but so far i've seen that my boss are running around on his own to tackle all this thing..

It makes me wonder, what is happenning to this company. Are we ready for this transformation? or we just say it half heartedly to make all people nelieve we are transforming (for the better or for the worse).

Hang Jebat

Anonymous said...

Hang Jebat u have to smart also ask him to become junior tai chi by send IDC to where u think can provide the information required and this IDC MUST cc or bcc to all the BIG BOSSES and CEO.I can assure u will get what u need,because this how the tai chi master work by cc all the matters to CEO even some of the matter is to small that can be resolve on Manager level.What their concern is " i already do my job" and make you like dumb.

so be smart ok...